In the neopagan Wheel of the Year, 23rd September is the festival of Mabon in the Northern Hemisphere. Mabon marks the time of the Autumn Equinox when day and night are equal in length. As the nights grow longer we must face the darkness and its mysteries. This is a time for wistful reflection on the transience of life - a time of rest after labour, the balance of light and dark and completion of harvest in preparation for Samhain.
Traditional birthstone: Sapphire
Modern birthstones: Amazonite, Amber, Blue Opal, Blue Topaz, Carnelian, Moonstone, Opalite
Sterling Silver Astrology Pendant - Libra
£19.00 -
Amazonite Thumb Worry Stone
£8.00 -
Sterling Silver Amber Teddy Bear Pendant
£14.00 -
Sterling Silver Blue Opal Angel Wings Pendant
£44.00 -
Sterling Silver Blue Opal Dolphin Pendant
£19.00 -
Sterling Silver Blue Opal Mother and Child Pendant
£29.00 -
Sterling Silver Blue Opal Drop Earrings
£29.00 -
Sterling Silver Blue Opal Tree of Life Pendant
£34.00 -
Sterling Silver Blue Topaz Heart Pendant
£34.00 -
Sterling Silver Blue Topaz Stud Earrings
£24.00 -
Carnelian Thumb Worry Stone
£8.00 -
Sterling Silver Rainbow Moonstone Aum Pendant by Peter Stone
£29.00 -
Sterling Silver Rainbow Moonstone Full Moon Goddess Pendant
£39.00 -
Sterling Silver Rainbow Moonstone Priestess Moon Pendant
£34.00 -
Sterling Silver Rainbow Moonstone Triple Moon Pentacle Pendant
£24.00 -
Opalite Crystal Crescent Moon
£8.00 -
Opalite Dowsing Pendulum with Pouch and Instructions