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Each week we consult the 78 Tarot Cards and draw a card for each of the 12 zodiac signs. So, what do the Tarot cards have to tell you?


Take a look at our Aries Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card The Tower - Change is on the horizon. A dramatic turn of fate is about to enter your life and it may strike like a bolt from the blue. This may be an alteration to your circumstances, or it might be a change in your attitude. It will be a blow to your ego, so you may lose face, feel embarrassed or have to admit that you were wrong in some way. Although this experience may be unpleasant at the time, once the dust has settled you will be pleased that the change happened and may also feel proud of the way you’ve coped. Sometimes this card appears when you are discovering the truth about someone in your life. The person may let you down badly or reveal a new, unpleasant, side to their character. Although you will be unhappy about this at the time, eventually you will realise that you had a lucky escape.

Take a look at our Taurus Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card Queen of Swords - You will make a decision to resolve a conflict by cutting off the person who caused it or by withdrawing emotionally. It would be better for both of you if you discuss the problem. You will be separated from the one you love and will feel that the most important thing about your life is gone and can never be replaced. Wait for new ideas or products to develop, and in the meantime, do something pleasurable. Learn to find satisfaction in what you can do on your own.

Take a look at our Gemini Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card 4 of Wands - This is a lovely card to appear because it signifies success, contentment, and achievement after a period of hard work. If you have been pulling out all the stops in a business or career matter, you will earn the respect of others, will boost your self-confidence and may be rewarded with a pay rise or promotion. This card can also mean that you will soon be increasing your sense of emotional security and putting down roots, perhaps literally by creating a garden or moving house.

Take a look at our Cancer Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card The High Priestess - A new product or future business endeavour may come into being, or you could seek a new business partner. You will be putting love, or the one you love, out of your thoughts in order to avoid emotional entanglements or the pangs of desire. Visualise the desired result as an accomplished fact and act as if you are already what you want to be, and it will happen.

Take a look at our Leo Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card 9 of Pentacles - Material security and physical comfort are on the horizon, and you will experience a deep sense of well-being and contentment. This is a particularly favourable card if you are currently in the throes of moving house or have been undergoing domestic upheavals, because it’s telling you that much happier times are just around the corner. Your ability to bring order into chaos will make you prosperous. Many appreciate your good advice.

Take a look at our Virgo Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card Page of Swords - Previous obstructions will begin to break down, and you will be given a fresh start: a token of what is to come that will herald the beginning of a better and brighter tomorrow. You will want to walk away from or forget a painful relationship, but you won't be able to. Don't give up, a new beginning is at hand.

Take a look at our Libra Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card King of Swords - You'll cut through adversity, see things the way they really are, and set things straight in your personal affairs. Also, someone you've been putting off or stringing along is going to call. Dwelling on a past romance only causes pain, so release it and let it go. Still your unruly thoughts, and don't respond in a preconditioned way. Be impartial, unpredjudiced, and nonjudgemental.

Take a look at our Scorpio Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card Ace of Swords - You will make the decision to act on, or move into, a less problematic environment or situation and to let a business problem ride rather than forcing the issue. Have faith in yourself, and know that your work is good and stands on its own. Persevere, be determined, and let nothing divert you from having what you want. You will get an unexpected message, call, or response from someone who has a crush on you or loves you. This could also indicate a new love that will take you by storm.

Take a look at our Sagittarius Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card Ace of Pentacles - You are being urged to get a new business venture off the ground or to begin any scheme or idea that means a lot to you. This might be moving to a new house or improving your current home, or something else that will boost your sense of self-esteem. Money is usually on the horizon when this card appears, and it may arrive in the form of a gift, a windfall, a win or a pay rise. A traditional meaning is the gift of a ring – is a wedding in the offing?

Take a look at our Capricorn Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card Queen of Pentacles - An admirer could come to visit and stay. You are going to meet or be attracted to a very unusual or striking person who will be just as interested in you! Clarify your objectives and when faced with a circumstance you previously would have bent under, recognise it as an opportunity to be at cause (instead of effect) and press through it.

Take a look at our Aquarius Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card Queen of Cups - You are going to attract a lot of attention, be sought after both personally and professionally, and become all things to all people. Many social opportunities will come your way, and someone will enter your life in whom you will be very interested (a professional-type person). You will meet this person very close to your home, if not just outside your front door. Use your charm, persuasion, and whatever resource is available, and then let the Cosmic Forces direct your course or reveal what is hidden. In time, you will see that your prayers have been answered.

Take a look at our Pisces Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card The Moon - A new trend or group effort will begin, and things will work out after all. A new friend may also be found. You are going to be disillusioned and disappointed in a relationship you thought would work but didn't. Be neutral, and follow your inner light

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