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Celestial Stargazer Jewellery and Gifts Collection

The Zodiac is an imaginary belt in the sky which represents the orbit of the Sun around the Earth. This system was devised by Claudius Ptolemy, a Roman astrologer, who deemed that the Earth was stationary and all the planets and stars revolved around it. Known as the Ptolemaic System, this system is still used today by astrologers, even though we know now that Earth and all the other planets in our Solar System orbit the Sun. The zodiac belt is divided into 12 sections, of 30° each, with each section named after a constellation - these are the Signs of the Zodiac - known as Sun Signs (not Star Signs!).

Your Sun Sign indicates the sign of the Zodiac the Sun occupied at the time of your birth. The Sun rules your willpower and ego and it is the core of your potential and uniqueness as an individual - who you are and what makes you tick.

Your Sun Sign represents the direction and focus of your life and your determination to achieve your aims and ambitions. It also represents your integrity, your ability to command respect and your ability to impress and influence others. It represents the outer you - how others see you. Just click your Sun-sign link below to learn more about you...


Symbols of Life Jewellery Collection
Angel and Fairy Jewellery and Gifts
Animal Totems Jewellery & Gifts Collection

Under UK law these horoscopes and articles of interest are deemed to be for entertainment purposes only and do not represent legal, financial, medical or other specialist advice. No correspondence will be entered into. Please kindly note that we do not accept articles (sponsored or otherwise) for inclusion on our website.